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Published on 13th December 2018

Work life balance at Christmas time? Errrrrrrr I don’t think so?

A thousand presents, a perfect Xmas dinner for 15, gingerbread houses, decorating the tree, elves on the shelves……………..the list goes on and on – seemingly never ending!!!!  I’m mad about Christmas and always have been – it’s my favourite time of the year, and I can feel the mood building as we approach the holiday season. All those Christmas songs on the radio – Wizzard – The Pogues – Mariah –and the hype in the shops since the 1st November –  for those with kids, they know exactly how many sleeps there are until Xmas Eve.  But Now – isn’t it hard to fit it all in!?!?!

If you’re like me, you’re working full time, juggling, a workload that isn’t showing signs of slowing down, Xmas meet ups, endless school activities AND a massive to do list for everyone – no wonder we feel like headless chickens!  The list of things we have to do throughout the year feels like a doddle compared to what we have to cope with at Christmas,but each and every one of us manages to pull it off, and I salute all of us out there – we absolutely rock!  But is there anything we can do to reduce the stress levels and make the build-up slightly less hectic this year? 


As women, we feel it is our job to shoulder the majority of the responsibility ourselves –but why is that?  Why shouldn’t we get some help? I’ve learned that if you don’t ask, you don’t get, and I have been delegating this year.  The whole extended family is helping with the dinner, each person is in charge of supplying or providing something.I’ve also roped in my husband with ideas for presents this year – and he’s come up trumps – two heads are better than one!

Enjoy the build up

December will be a busy month for pretty much everyone.  Make sure you give yourself a break and enjoy some you-time.  Don’t feel guilty about watching that Christmas movie, have a glass of mulled wine, put your feet up and enjoy the moment.   Check out those Christmas lights and meet your friends for a drink!  It’s your Christmas Too!

Remember what Christmas is all about

Of course, money can be a cause of stress at Christmas time, particularly when the list for Santa adds up to the equivalent to a small house in Barbados!  But you know what – I didn’t always get what I Wanted at Christmas and it’s done me no harm at all!  In fact, it’s made me appreciate things muchmore, and it set me on course for dealing with the real world!  That’s a much better gift if you ask me.  Christmas is a time for family, friendship and spending time together – no amount of money can buy that.

You do not have to spend all of Christmas with extended family

Christmas is an opportunity to spend time with extended family, but that doesn’t mean we have to spend all our time with them.  Carve out some time for you, or for you and your partner, and for families it is important to have just mum, dad and kids only time too.

Just enjoy Christmas Day

On Christmas Day forget about it being the ‘perfect’ day and enjoy the special moments.  Savour the smiles of loved ones receiving gifts and forget about whether the turkey will be moist or not or Uncle Jim’s opinion. Laugh as the children try to teach Grandad the latest fortnite dance instead of worrying about whether you got everyone a‘perfect’ present.  That’s all that matters And finally – make the most of the break from work.  Yes, its hectic up until Christmas Day, but come the 27th my gift to myself is thinking about me and what the next 12 months will bring.  Chillout on the sofa, play board games. Take a well-earned rest, so that come January 2nd, we are ready to be on top of our game for 2019!   We got this ladies – less stress more fun.   Thank Christ for Amazon Prime!!!

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