WUN for ALL – Building Resilience & Self Belief
12th October 2021
1:00 - 2:00 PM
Zoom call
In this WUN for ALL session we will be focusing on building resilience & self belief.
“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”
Just imagine. What difference would it make in your life if you had an unshakeable belief in yourself that you can achieve anything you put your mind to?
What would you dare to dream if you believed in yourself with such confidence that you had no fears of failure whatsoever?
What would it feel like to feel a little bit bolder, a little bit braver whilst still showing up as the wonderfully brilliant you.
Join us in this interactive with Caroline Sargent and insightful session to find out how to nobble the wobbles that are holding you back. ·
Make friends with your fears · Stop your self-sabotaging · Super-charge your self belief
The session will be led by Caroline Sargent
Helping people live their lives with more “oomph” is something that Caroline at Bounce Coaching & Development Ltd feels passionately about. As a certified positive psychology coach and NLP practitioner, Caroline is intrigued by neuroscience and everything she does is rooted in positivity.
She has helped many individuals to gain a deeper insight on how they tick, create new habits that stick, overcome negative beliefs and be the best version of themselves. Following a range of roles across HR, L&D and Talent in a variety of different industries, in 2015 Caroline took the leap to set up her own business, something which she had been telling herself would never be possible.
Every day is now spent helping others live life with more oomph – from supporting individuals to find their BALANCE and teams to build their SPIRIT, to creating HAPPY energised organisations. Caroline is also the founder of The Bounce Club – a members only community for women wanting to create more balance and bounce in their life. Find out more about Caroline and BOUNCE at www.alittlebitofbounce.co.u
Please note your zoom registration link will be sent out on the day of the event . Meanwhile contact [email protected] if you have any questions.