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Careers in the Utilities – Careers in Tech.

10th November 2021


2:30 - 3:30 PM






This session will be led by WUN partner Gentrack with

Lacey Montague-Cook, Chief Strategy Officer, Joanne Smalley Global Director of Marketing and Communications, and Jess Murphy Product Owner

Lacey Montague-Cook Chief Strategy Officer

I’ve spent the last 15 years in the utilities industry, with a background in finance and strategy, and have worked for a tier 1 supplier, as well as small assurance and software businesses, before I joined Gentrack as part of the Evolve acquisition in 2018.  I have worked with an amazing female leadership coach over the years, and am very excited about helping and supporting women develop their careers in the utilities space.

Joanne Smalley Global Director of Marketing and Communications.

I’ve worked over the last 15 years in marketing and comms role throughout the energy space, both as an employee and a freelancer.  I’ve worked for E.ON, ELEXON, Edf, and British Gas, as well as the DCC and several smaller suppliers and TPI’s.  I love the sector and have most recently spent time helping women to build their career in the sector through coaching, mentoring and support.

Michelle Hitchens, Client Solutions Director.

I have been in the industry for over 30 years, starting as a temp manually entering HH data for British Steel for the very first pricing round of the new de regulated market! Over the years I have worked in operational roles for suppliers and TPI’s and now work in the sales team for Gentrack. Over the years I have seen more and more women drive the industry forward by embracing the change that is frequently dedicated to us and relish the opportunity to discuss my experiences with other likeminded women through the WUN network.

Jess Murphy, Product Owner.

I’ve worked in a variety of roles across the sector – from my first role in 2013 as a temp sales support administrator, to head of operations for a start-up, to where I am now as a product owner for Gentrack. I’m passionate about this industry and would love to help other women in their energy career journeys.




Please note your zoom registration link will be sent out on the day of the event . Meanwhile contact [email protected] if you have any questions.