WUN Event Reflections- Building Your Career in Utilities, by WUN Associate – Lisa Robyn Wood

I was buzzing with a combination of excitement and nerves, and slightly flustered and damp from the raging storm outside, when I entered the Microsoft offices in Paddington on the evening of 20th September. I hoped I’d arrived at the right location, having struggled with my Google Maps, before racing up the elevator to get ready for the start of the event which was focused on personal development in the Utilities sector – my favourite subject.
I began my career in 2005 in the Utilities sector, straight from university, so it holds a very special place in both my heart and my story as an entrepreneur. It’s where I built my leadership and relationship skills, and had these whittled down a few times too, and where I discovered who I truly was and what I was capable of. I achieved great success, had great fun, overcame challenges, faced into conflict, and suffered a few tears. It’s also where I forged special relationships which still exist today – one of whom was my bridesmaid. So, I am hugely passionate about the WUN and what it represents; women, supporting women, to support and enable one another to thrive across the sector.
I haven’t worked in the Utilities sector since 2017 but stepping into the room of women that night felt like coming home. I felt immediately welcomed – by both new and old faces and friends. There was so much positive energy and warmth. It was the perfect start to the evening where I would be stepping up in front of everyone to share my story, from corporate leadership to professional coaching, and the power of investing in yourself to grow, and to succeed.
It was an honour to be welcomed onto the stage by WUN co-founder Jo Butlin, following a brilliant talk given by Kath Rosier Clarke founder of BlckBx, a service aimed to relieve the gender-driven family admin burden stopping women from building successful careers.
The WUN members are THE MOST engaged, supportive, energised audience and it was a joy to speak to the many attentive faces who were in the room. This spilled out of the auditorium and into the drink’s reception afterwards, and I loved speaking to so many individuals one on one, listening and connecting through our shared experiences and stories.
I am proud and excited to be an Associate for WUN and the brilliant women who form the network and look forward to seeing and speaking to you all again soon.
Lisa Robyn Wood, The Middle Manager Coach, GRIP Coaching Limited
I don’t think being a manager should be rubbish and so I work with middle managers, who work in the most pressured and conflicted layer in any business, to embrace their roles with energy and enjoyment, connect with their confidence and capabilities, and take control of their development and growth to ensure that they thrive.
GRIP Coaching Ltd is a coaching and training service for individuals who want to embrace, accelerate, and enjoy their career in leading and managing others.
Find out more about all WUN Associates including Lisa, Grip Coaching Limited.