The Power of the Network – The Future of Work

Earlier this month we were delighted to meet back in person after nearly two years:
The Power of the Network – Future of Work, kindly hosted by Google, UK.
There was a real buzz and energy in the room and we heard from our amazing keynote speaker Dr Sarah McMath – Chief Executive, MOSL and our expert panel including Kate Jones, CIO Cadent Gas, Lacey Montague-Cook CSO Gentrack, Anne–Marie Scott, Director of Manufacturing and Industry, Google Cloud and Nivani Govinder, Head of Marketing for Manufacturing & Industry- Google Cloud.
This highlights clip gives you a taster of what it is like to attend a WUN network event both the supportive nature of the network and the ability to connect with likeminded individuals.
We also hear from WUN Founders, Jo Butlin and Hayley Monks re their exciting future ambitions for WUN.
Look out for further in person and virtual WUN events coming soon.