Are you attracting the right tribe?

By Emma Ellis
I love the saying ‘your vibe attracts your tribe.’ I believe it’s an accurate statement for life in general but also something to really think about when building a career. If you spend a lot of time with constantly negative unhappy people, it’s going to bring you down. I’m sure we have all been in the situation where we have been surrounded by constant moaning and negativity about everything and its draining on you and everyone around you. You want to run away, and you start to think maybe your life isn’t so great.
I call these rather negative people ‘energy vampires’. As the name suggests, they can literally suck the life out of you. The truth is everyone can be happy and successful if we put our minds into it, so if members of your tribe are negatively affecting your vibe be ruthless and do something about it!
There is huge merit and value in placing yourself within positive environments, surrounded by people that lift your spirits, make you want to work harder and motivate you to be the best person that you can be. Think about your life, your career and what motivates you… Then assess the people you know and if they share those values spend more time with them. If you are struggling to find a tribe here are some ideas to help you:
Network- Go to the events that will get you speaking to people with the same values and mind set. We set up WUN to help you build a network but there are other groups and forums are available that may share the same or similar values? Are there any online communities that can help you find likeminded people to connect with? Check out the Female Entrepreneur Association or your local Women in Business Network for (WIBN) for starters. They are a great start.
Be yourself – It has taken me many years to realise its fine to be me. The time I have spent not being myself was the unhappiest time in my career. Trying to please people that, under the surface, you don’t particularly like and disagree with their methods and values. What’s the point? If you pretend to be someone that you’re not, you’re going to attract a tribe that has nothing in common with the real you.
Be Vocal – Yes, I know this can be scary, but your opinions really count and will attract likeminded people to you. Join forums and communities, share your honest views and I’m sure you will be welcomed and your input valued. Write a blog or ‘like’ and share things that are of interest to you. As a marketer I know you get a great sense of achievement when someone ‘likes’, comments or shares something that you have posted, I feel instantly connected with that person.
Take the time to think about what it is that you want from your career and how you’re going to build ‘a tribe’ to support you and, likewise, how can you support them. If you find someone you instantly share a connection with, ensure you stay in contact to build on your relationship. Having people in your life that share similar career goals and values to you is invaluable. Try to meet up with these people every 6 weeks, a chat really helps to motivate you and give you that boost you need to work harder to achieve your goals. So… be selfish and ditch the energy vampires, find your tribe and get back in your vibe, you will find yourself smiling a lot more I promise you!
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